is proud to present the
Grand Casino Baden - Baden bei Wien (Austria)
Friday 2nd – Sunday 4th September, 2011
Mitteleuropa Doubles Consulting Championship
Thursday 1st September, 2011
Warm-up, Rizzello & Romagnoli Trophy, Quarter entries, Jackpots & One Point Matches
Wednesday 31 st August - Thursday 1st September, 2011
Marco Fornasir
sanctioned by the WBF - Worldwide Backgammon Federation
For more information contact Marco Fornasir
ph +39 0331 923537 – mob +39 337 303804 - fax +39 0331 920621
email info@wbf.net <mailto:info@wbf.net> - www.wbf.net <http://www.wbf.net> - on Skype marcofornasir
Nagyobb térképre váltás
Továbblapozva a verseny részletei :
Master (first round match length 13 points) 700 euro
Quarter entry Master 190 euro
Champion (first round match length 11 points) 300 euro
Quarter entry Champion 90 euro
Intermediate (first round match length 7 points) 60 euro
Double Consulting (first round match length 7/9 points) 500 euro per team
Ladies Tournament (first round match length - 5 points) 50 euro
Including Friday Welcome Cocktail and Sunday Baden Dinner Party
2011 WBF SUPPORTERS 45 euro
2011 ABA & FFBG MEMBERS 50 euro
OPEN 60 euro
DOUBLE CONSULTING 60 euro per team
100% of all entry fees will be returned to the players.
The prizes will be divided as follows for each category:
Main: Winner 40%, Finalist 15%, Semi-finalist 7,5% each
Consolation: Winner 15%, Finalist 7,5%
Last Chance: Winner 7,5%
Grand Casino Baden offers a free week-end for two in Baden to the winner of warm-up Memorial Heiner Haussleiter.
A special Backgammon board is offered by Rizzello & Romagnoli to the winner of Rizzello & Romagnoli Trophy.
Various trophies are offered by the WBF - Worldwide Backgammon Federation to the winners in the three categories, including Mitteleuropa Double Consulting Championship, Ladies Prize, Ladies Tournament, Warm-up Memorial Heiner Haussleiter, Rizzello&Romagnoli Trophy, Super-Jackpot and One Point Matches.
Baden bei Wien (www.baden.at <http://www.badenonline.at> ) is the famous venue 26 km south of Wien (only 20’ to go to the capital).
You can drive or take a train or fly to Wien- Schwechat Airport
(by car 30’ far from Baden/33 km).
Baden bei Wien is famous for its beneficial sulphurous mineral springs far beyond the borders..
Air temperature in early September is + 15/25°C.
Wednesday, August 31
16:00 Registration Backgammon Tournament at Grand Casino Baden;
Start of play Quarters, Jackpots and One Point Matches
17:30 Public draw for Warm-up Memorial Heiner Haussleiter – first part
(free of charge – for registered players only)
18:00 Start of play Warm-up Memorial Heiner Haussleiter – first part;
21:30 Public draw for Rizzello & Romagnoli Trophy – first part
(free of charge – for WBF supporters only)
21:45 Start of play Rizzello & Romagnoli Trophy – first part and
Quarters, Jackpots and One Point Matches continue
Thursday, September 1
15:00 Warm-up, Rizzello & Romagnoli Trophy, Quarters, Jackpots and
One Point Matches continue
16:30 Public draw for Warm-up Memorial Heiner Haussleiter – second part
(free of charge – for registered players only)
17:00 Start of play Warm-up Memorial Heiner Haussleiter – second part
18:30 Public draw for Rizzello & Romagnoli Trophy – second part
(free of charge – for WBF supporters only)
19:00 Start of play Rizzello & Romagnoli Trophy – second part
21:00 Public draw for Mitteleuropa Doubles Consulting Tournament
21:30 Start of play Mitteleuropa Doubles Consulting Tournament and
Warm-up, Rizzello & Romagnoli Trophy, Quarters, Jackpots and One Point Matches continue
Friday, September 2
15:00 Doubles Consulting, Warm-up, Rizzello & Romagnoli Trophy,
Jackpots and One Point Matches continue
17:00 Registration Backgammon Tournament at Grand Casino Baden
20:00 Welcome cocktail in the Grand Casino Baden;
Last Registration
21:00 Public draw
21:30 Start of play Main Tournament;
Jackpots and One Point Matches continue
Saturday, September 3
14:00 Main Tournament continues and start of
Progressive Consolation Tournament
15:30 Jackpots and One Point Matches continue
18:30 Start of Ladies Tournament
19:30-21:30 Break for dinner
21:30 Play continues and Start of Saturday Franz Josef Super-Jackpot
and play continues
Sunday, September 4
13:00 Start of Last Chance Tournament
13:30 Start of Finals; Super-Jackpot, Jackpots and One Point Matches continue
20:00 Baden Dinner Party and Awarding Ceremony in the Grand Casino Baden
The organization reserves the right to change the program in any of its parts. Changes will be announced in advance and posted on the Notice Board.
WBF Tournament rules will apply (www.wbfonline.com/wbfrules/wbfrules.html <http://www.wbfonline.com/wbfrules/wbfrules.html> ).
No clocks will be used during the tournament, except in case of big delay on the tournament matches.
The draw is manual (not computerized), public and random.
The Tournament matches take precedence over all other forms of play.
Only cash payment is accepted.
The Tournament Committee reserves the right to refuse application to play and/or forbid admittance without giving any reason since the Tournament is by WBF invitation only.
Should a player wish to leave the playing area during the Tournament, he/she must inform the Tournament Director.
Failure to do so may results in penalty points being given.
The daily break for dinner is between 19:30 and 21:30.
No smoking in the main playing room.
Tournament seating will be determined by non-smoker preference.
The Tournament will be played on the professional Rizzello & Romagnoli Tournament Boards.
Dice service is provided by the WBF Point Rizzello & Romagnoli.
The WBF Point Pro-shop will be open during the tournament.
Discount for 2011 WBF supporters.
No admittance without proper dress.
Admission to Casino with photo ID Card only.
Only persons with legal age may enter the Casino (18 or older).
The trophies will be presented only during the Awarding Ceremony.
We thank the A.B.A. - Austrian Backgammon Association for all the support.
1991 - Heiner Haussleiter (Germany)
1992 - Cathrine Bladh-Risselin (Sweden)
1993 - Faik Gousseinov (Azerbaijan)
1994 - Cathrine Bladh-Risselin (Sweden)
1995 - Nino Di Bella (Italy)
1996 - Nicholas Kitt (Romania)
1997 - Michael Löfblad (Sweden)
1998 - Elio Hamoui (Israel/Italy)
1999 - Mario Sequeira (Portugal)
2000 – Harald Johanni (Germany)
2001 – François Tardieu (France)
2002 – Katja Sophie Spillum Svendsen (Norway)
2003 – John Slattery (Scotland)
2004 – Lars Bønding (Denmark)
2005 – Michel Serrero (France)
2006 – not played for facilities renovation
2007 – Christos Groutsos (Greece)
2008 – Fabrizio Lo Surdo (Italy)
2009 – Michele Muratori (Italy)
2010 – Paul Weaver (USA)
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