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2014. július 26., szombat

XG Mobile for Android and iOS

XG Mobile is the portable version of the acclaimed program "eXtreme Gammon" for PC.
XG Mobile has been available iPhone, iPad or iPod touch for a few years, It is now available on your Android Device.
You can now have the strongest backgammon program in the palm of your hand on any of your mobile devices! Head to "Google Play" or the "App Store" to get it now.

XG Mobile is Free on Google Play or the App-Store, use in App-Purchase to unlock the Premium version for a complete experience

Standard Version (Free)

  • eXtreme Gammon World Class Engine
  • High Quality graphic interface
  • Play against the computer with levels from Champion to Beginner
  • Track your Progress, results and dice statistics
  • The Tutor mode let you know your mistakes as you play
  • Send position by email
  • Setup a position and analyze it
  • Competition Mode
  • Integrated Help
  • Share positions on Facebook, Twitter and more
  • Premium Version ($9.99)

  • All the Standard version features AND also
  • No Ads, Full screen board
  • Games are saved
  • Play with other players, using XG Mobile as a portable board
  • Stronger level for Tutor, Hint and Analyze
  • More boards and checkers choice to configure XG Mobile
  • Email saved games
  • Play match longer than 3 points
  • Play NackGammon Variation
  • Ability to Play from a setup position 

  • 2014. július 16., szerda

    Pünkösdi MOE verseny eredménye

    Pünkösdi a38-as verseny eredménye:

    Jöttek ketten Szegedről, hárman Sopronból erre a nemes versenyre. Remélem egyszer mi is lemehetünk hozzájuk egy versenyre. A budapesti klubból kellett volna több játékos.

    Volt 4-2-nél egy ilyen visszadupla döntésem:

    is Player 2

    score: 2
    pip: 67
    9 point match
    pip: 45
    score: 4

    is Player 1
    on roll, cube action?

    Analyzed in XG Roller+ No redouble Redouble/Take
      Player Winning Chances: 63,63% (G:0,00% B:0,00%) 63,65% (G:0,00% B:0,00%)
      Opponent Winning Chances: 36,37% (G:0,58% B:0,01%) 36,35% (G:0,62% B:0,01%)
      Cubeless Equities +0,266 +0,585
    Cubeful Equities
    No redouble:+0,602
    Redouble/Take:+0,491 (-0,111)
    Redouble/Pass:+1,000 (+0,398)
    Best Cube action: No redouble / Take
    Percentage of wrong pass needed to make the double decision right: 17,9%
    eXtreme Gammon Version: 2.10, MET: Kazaross XG2

    Hat bábut kiszedtem, amikor kiütött. Tudtam, hogy öt a határeset, de itt még ötnél se visszaduplázás. Észre kell venni, hogy rossz helyen vannak a bábui az ellenfélnél (a 2,3,4-es pontokon). Hatékonyabb lenne a 4-6 ponton. Bepakolásnál inkább a hátsó pontokra kell helyezni a korongokat, hogy ilyen kizárásnál, például egy hatos dobásnál tudjunk levenni, ne kelljen a hátsó pontot megnyítni.

    is Player 2

    score: 2
    pip: 108
    9 point match
    pip: 134
    score: 7

    is Player 1
    to play 42

    1.XG Roller++20/14eq: -0,396
    35,58% (G:6,14% B:0,12%)
    64,42% (G:9,00% B:0,28%)
    2.XG Roller++7/1eq: -0,403 (-0,007)
    34,50% (G:5,71% B:0,08%)
    65,50% (G:7,84% B:0,21%)
    3.XG Roller++5/1 4/2eq: -0,420 (-0,024)
    34,16% (G:5,65% B:0,07%)
    65,84% (G:8,62% B:0,29%)
    4.XG Roller++7/3 4/2eq: -0,420 (-0,025)
    33,59% (G:5,24% B:0,08%)
    66,41% (G:7,79% B:0,20%)
    5.XG Roller++6/2 5/3eq: -0,426 (-0,031)
    33,24% (G:4,94% B:0,07%)
    66,76% (G:7,71% B:0,21%)
    6.XG Roller++22/16eq: -0,514 (-0,118)
    29,97% (G:4,51% B:0,09%)
    70,03% (G:9,66% B:0,22%)
    eXtreme Gammon Version: 2.10, MET: Kazaross XG2

    Ezt valahogy megfordítottam úgy is, hogy a hátsó horgonyt bontottam meg, ami hiba. Ilyenkor, hátrányban mindig érdemes a hátsót meghagyni, hogy ne pakoljon mögénk.

    2014. július 2., szerda

    Czech Open 2014 - júli 11-13

    Idén is lesz Cseh Open Pardubicében. Vannak szép pávák a várban, és ereszdelahajam a strandon szombaton. Remélem kivetítő is lesz.


    CZECH OPEN 2014 - 11th International BackgammonTournament
    11th-13th July 2014
    Organizer: AVE-KONTAKT s.r.o.
    Tournament director: Jan Stastna

    11th-12th July - Individual tournament- players without age and performance limitations
    - basic part: 7 rounds by Swiss system, matches with doubling cube to 9 points
    - tie-breaks: 1. minor score, 2. Buchholz, 3. mutual match
    - best four players continue to semi-finals (11 points) and final (13 points) + 3rd place game (9 points)
    - starting fee: 500 CZK or 20 EUR
    - financial prizes 5000, 3000, 2000 and 1000 CZK
    - optional bet into side pool: 500 CZK – side pool will be divided 70% - 30% between two best placed participating players
    - discounts on starting fee for players registered by 15th June 2014 at the following amount of:
      youngsters up to 18 years of age and players over 65 years 50%
      other players 25%
      (not related to side pool)
    - time schedule:
    Friday 11th July 16.00 - 17.00 registration
    17.30 - 21.00 1st-3rd rounds
    Saturday 12th July 09.00 - 14.00 4th-7th rounds
    14.00 - 15.30 semi-finals
    15.30 - 17.00 final, 3rd place game
    17.30 results announcement
    (Time schedule is approximate, playing system could be modified according to the number of participants)

    13th July - Doubles Consulting- teams of 2 players composed of players without age and performance limitations
    - matches with doubling cube to 7 points
    - Swiss system – number of rounds dependent on number of teams
    - tie-breaks: 1. minor score, 2. Buchholz, 3. mutual match
    - two teams play on one board, for each team one player rolls and plays, second one advises him
    - team can consult the play arbitrarily, all actions on board are made by the playing player
    - players can switch the positions of the playing and advising player during the match
    - switching is possible only between games, each whole game is played by the same player
    - financial prizes: 1st place: 70%, 2nd place: 30% of the prize pool, prizes in CZK
    - starting fee 20 EUR for a team
    - applications for this tournament are not registered and it is possible to register for it only on the day of launching of the tournament
    - time schedule:
    Sunday 13th July 09.30 - 10.00 registration
    10.00 - 16.00 tournament
    16.30 results announcement
    (Time schedule is approximate, playing system could be modified according to the number of participants)

    Place of registration, accommodation, secretariat and playing halls:
    CEZ Arena, Sukova trida 1735, Pardubice, connection from the railway station by trolleybus No. 3 and by bus No. 10, 16 and 17 (4th stop)